Steven Pinker | The Sense of Style
“We enjoy none of this give-and-take when we cast out bread upon the waters by sending a written missive out into the world. The recipients are invisible and inscrutable, and we have to…”
Simone de Beauvoir | The Second Sex
“The category of the Other is as primordial as consciousness itself. In the most primitive societies, in the most ancient mythologies, one finds…”
Virginia Woolf | A Writer’s Diary
“It is worth mentioning, for future reference, that the creative power which bubbles so pleasantly in beginning a new book…”
Benny Shanon | The Antipodes of the Mind
“Typically, Ayahuasca visions—notably those that are most powerful—present scenarios that are…”
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi | Flow
“There is one very important and at first apparently paradoxical relationship between…”
Rachel Aviv | Strangers to Ourselves
“At times, I contemplated devoting the entire book to each life I have written about…”
Leonard Shlain | The Alphabet Versus the Goddess
“While on that bus ride, and perhaps because of my heightened interest in how…”
Oliver Sacks | The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
“The patient’s essential being is very relevant in the higher reaches of neurology…”
Betty Edwards | Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
“I believe that most of us are too quick to name things…”
Rick Strassman | DMT: The Spirit Molecule
“By 30 minutes, she spoke more clearly:
I felt the DMT go in and…”
Michael Foucault | Madness & Civilization
“In the serene world of mental illness, modern man no longer communicates with…”
Carl Jung | Psychogenesis of Mental Disease
“Dreams can produce similar pictures of great catastrophes. They can manifest all stages of…”
Sting | Broken Music
“Our hosts are keen to know how we have fared. Was the experience too strong? Were we…”
Michael Pollan | How to Change Your Mind
“The un-cageable vine reminded me of that first psilocybin trip, when I felt…”
Cheryl Strayed | Wild
“It was all unknown to me then, as I sat on that white bench on the day…”
Lauren Elkin | Flâneuse
“Virginia Woolf’s 1927 essay ‘Street Haunting’ is an attempt to claim…”
Joel Gold and Ian Gold | Suspicious Minds
“The rigidity of delusional form contrasts dramatically with the elastic nature of…”
Gloria Anzaldúa | Borderlands/La Frontera
“To this day I’m not sure where I found the strength to leave…”
Robert Whitaker | Anatomy of an Epidemic
“As a society, we put our trust in the medical profession to develop…”