Sting | Broken Music

“Our hosts are keen to know how we have fared. Was the experience too strong? Were we afraid? Did we see visions? Were we given insights? Did we meet our ancestors? Did we speak with God? But I am too bewildered to give anything like a coherent answer. Yet when we walk outside into the cool of the evening, the jungle is vibrantly alive, in fact disarmingly alive, and I have never felt so consciously connected before. I may be out of my gourd, but I seem to be perceiving the world on a molecular level, where the normal barriers that separate ‘me’ from everything else have been removed, as if every leaf, every blade of grass, every nodding flower is reaching out, every insect calling to me, every star in the clear sky sending a direct beam of light to the top of my head.” Sting


Carl Jung | Psychogenesis of Mental Disease


Michael Pollan | How to Change Your Mind