Catherine Gildiner | Good Morning, Monster

“What Laura, Peter, Danny, Alana, and Madeline can teach us is that we can all be heroes. They exemplify Thomas Hardy’s words in his poem ‘In Tenebris II’: ‘If way to the Better there be, it exacts a full look at the Worst.’ They show us how to dig into our own psyches and shine a light on those parts that lie in shadow. They found what was in those dark corners, dragged it into the light, and confronted it. By striking out heroically on an unknown path, they sought change, and persevered in the face of obstacles. They remind us that it is possible, although not always easy, to overcome our fears, to break out of our self-imposed boundaries where we mistaken confinement for security. Finally, these heroes inspire us by showing that all self-examination is brave.” Catherine Gildiner


Robert Whitaker | Anatomy of an Epidemic


Susan Cain | Quiet